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Free Art Lessons offers free art and design lessons for all. Learn how to draw, paint and design by following illustrated step by step instructions. Artyfactory is a growing resource of free art tutorials that are designed to improve your artistic skills and to increase your enjoyment in creating artworks.

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These two lessons on drawing humanoid robots are based on teaching the basic proportions of a head from a front and side view. The inclusion of the inner workings of the robots adds a more interesting approach to the subject, encouraging a deeper understanding of the shapes and form of the human head while also introducing a more creative element to enhance the lesson.


Artyfactory's free art lessons share the knowledge, understanding and experience of art and design to encourage you to develop your own artistic voice. The lessons explore a variety of drawing, painting and design techniques across a range of subjects and styles. Each lesson leads you through an illustrated step by step development of the artwork from its initial stages to the finished example.

Art appreciation is the knowledge and understanding of the universal and timeless qualities that identify all great art. The more you appreciate and understand the art of different eras, movements, styles and techniques, the better you can develop, evaluate and improve your own artwork.

Artyfactory's design lessons explore the basic elements of design such as imagery, color, pattern, composition, layout and typography and how to evaluate their effectiveness in the creative process.

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